Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random Thoughts

This week I have learned a few things:

1.) Crafty people are AWESOME!!! Sheree Chapman made this incredible picture frame with the letter "S" on the glass inside. It looks amazing! Thanks Sheree!

2.) Working out at the YMCA really is cool. I used to not want to work out there cause I was afraid to see people I know. I'm not really sure why but let me tell ya, its great. In some weird way I feel involved with the community or my friends or something. I just realized in a major way how much I need to be around people.

In case your wondering, my workouts are going great. I actually ran for 5 minutes straight, which is a real accomplishment for me.

3.) I found the BEST diet! Well, its not much of a diet but a new way to eat. If you don't already have it, you need to buy the book "Eat Right for your Blood" by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. It is amazing what they say about how you should eat based on what blood type you have. It's very specific not like the thousand other generic diets. Everything it says about type O (which is what I am) is 100% true to how I digest. It's very informing and I highly recommend it.

Well, thats about all I have to say right now. Things are still the same here in Queen Creek. I got to talk to my little brother on his mission on Sunday. It was neat to hear his voice again. His english is still really good! He comes home in February so watch out YSA adorable RM will be on the prowl! :)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Great job on working out! I'll have to check that book out if it's really as good as you say it is. I'm type O too! Can't wait to see you soon!!! How long will you be here? Love ya! :)