Thursday, June 11, 2009

Top Ten Best Things About Texas

While in Texas last weekend (which was very awesome, by the way) I decided to document the top ten things about Texas. (Besides my family and friends)

I figured since I talk about Texas so much, I might as well share why I think its so great. In no particular order, here they are:

1.) Braum's - They make the best bacon cheesburger, frys and Dr. Pepper float I have ever had!

2.)Water Towers - I'm not really sure what they do, but they are cool, none the less

3.) Turn Abouts - I wish every freeway had these. It makes it so easy to get to the other side of the freeway without waiting at the stupid stoplights

4.) My Mom's Chocolate Cake - Granted, I can make this cake myself but nothing is as good as the way my mommy makes it! Mmmm!

5.) Humidity - I LOVE humidity! It makes my skin moist, my hair bigger and I can breathe!

6.) Rudy's BBQ - By far, the best place for BBQ! If you haven't tried it, shame on you!

7.) Rednecks - They just pop up everywhere in Texas! Love their accents, cloths, and way of life. Surely I would never join them, but its fun to watch!

8.) Texas Pride - No need to say anymore...

9.) Dr. Pepper - Best drink EVER!!!

10.) Bluebell Ice Cream - The birthplace of this delightful treat just happens to be the great state of Texas. No wonder its good!

A few honorable mentions:

Toll Roads - Even though you pay to drive on them, they sure do get you places faster.

Greenery - Its SO green there! Probably from all the rain, which leads me to the next one...

Weather - I love random weather, and Texas is the top place for that! I do love a good tornado too!


Truman Jensen said...

I was worried there for a moment when you started off with Braums. (they are just ok but not great) But you redeemed yourself with the Blue Bell comment.

you need to come to austin next time! Rudy's just opened a hamburger joint called Mighty Fine and its awesome!

Brooke said...

I love your list. Especially the one about how humidity makes your hair bigger. No Joke! And the one about the rednecks. Why don't you want to join them?? Oh yeah, you saw how ridiculous I looked with a mullet, so you couldn't do it to yourself!! I love my haircut, by the way. You are the best!!