Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Look at our new blog!!

Thanks to Lori, I decided to finally give in and create a blog. As Megan would say, 'Welcome to the dark side.' I'm really new to blogs and I don't know how to manage one so it's gonna take me a while to get this set up. I think I'm gonna make one for my dog too... :)


Rusty and Ashley said...

Laura I'm so proud! I was just telling Kyle I had a blog and his exact words were "I bet Kirk feels the same way I do about blogs, they are stupid. Why don't you get a web page, I bet kirk has a web page!" So funny that you guys now have a blog! I have to tell him. It's fun once you get things set-up! Congrats on Trixie's page. I love that she is so articulate!

Denyse said...

Whoo hoo! Now you just need to keep it updated :) I look at blogging like journaling. Except blogging seems to be a lot easier than writing in a journal for some reason :)

Truman Jensen said...

update your blog