Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've got skillz!

This month I've been trying out some new talents. First, I made my first double layer cake. I guess I thought it would be hard so I never did it but really, it wasn't. Just split a cake mix into two round pans, duh Laura!

And second, I finally painted french tips on my hands, both hands! Now, I can do french on my toes but I absolutley can not do anything with my left hand so I never attempted to paint my right. So last week, I tried painting a solid color with my left hand and it went really well. Today, I attempted the french and it turned out awesome! See, and old dog can learn new tricks! lol!

Ps - yes, I did take a picture of my left and because a.) It turned out slightly better and b.) I can't seem to take a picture with my left hand! :)


Megan said...

Look at you with your bad self! LOL!! Congrats on your successes. Love you!! :)

Brooke said...

Hey, Thanks for the hair advice. It was fun to check out your blog. I know you had told me that you had one, but I forgot to look. I will add you to my friends list so I can check it out more often.