Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Get off your high horse and move on!

Last night I had the "pleasure" of attending a 4 hour long CPR class. And while all the information was useful and its good to have the certification, I can't help but dwell on the teaching method/style. Have you ever been in a class where the teacher knows a little too much about the subject (or at least thinks they do) and they try to cram every last piece of information into your brain to show how smart they are? Yeah, that was last night. I was soooo ready to leave by the time we got out. She kept getting off on tangents that I think she purposfully went on and by the time I left, it was like 10:05. This is PM folks, just in case your wondering. Then I had a nice long hour drive home! The actual "learning CPR" part took about 20 minutes. What the heck was the other 3 hours and 40 minutes for??? What frustrates me even more is that last time I took the class there were more people there and we got out 2 hours early!!! What the heck is up with that?? Anyways, the whole point of this is that I really hope that when I teach young womens, I don't teach like that. So if I do, please push me off my horse and slap me back to reality!

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